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By Chneophytou at Greek Wikipedia – Work of the uploader, CC BY-SA 3.0,


Belondia: symbol of strength and endurance was the sacred tree of the ancient Greeks. The sacred tree of Gaia and later of Zeus. The oak tree was a tree dedicated to the god of thunder beca
use its resistance to lightning was known for a long time. The oracles were given by interpreting the throes of the leaves of the oak, the cellaring
of the water of the sacred spring, the cracks of the sacred pigeons that were sealing in the oak tree. The leaves of the oak were the decorations of golden crowns and in particular the golden crown of the King of Macedonia Philip II.

The oak or oak (ref.Oak, Quercus) is a plant genus of the Family of Phigaceae (Fagaceae) with 531 native species of the northern hemisphere of the earth. It’s the tree of the parks.

They are trees tall, century-old that are found either in lowland or mountainous areas. The fruit of oak is oak (from the valanus), useful for animal feed and lysodepsy. Wood of all kinds is heavy, hard and does not rot easily. It is used in construction, shipbuilding, furniture, in the manufacture of planks, beamwork and made from it charcoal of very good quality.

Mythology and history

Valanis (or Valanus) was considered the Nymph of the oak tree and one of the Amadryades nymphs, daughters of Oxylos (spirit of the forest) and Amadryada.

Belindia: symbol of strength and endurance was the sacred tree of Dios. For this reason it was considered sacred in ancient Macedonia and indeed many golden wreaths that have been found and used in ceremonies and as funeral buildings, were oak wreaths, with the top oak wreath of King Philip II of Macedonia, found in the royal tomb of Aeges, in present-day Vergina. Also the mandical oak was considered to be the residence of Zeus in Dodoni.
